Tools on Test

Pruning roses at Barnsdale Gardens with Spear & Jackson secateurs

Garden Gloves

Garden Gloves. Feverfew Original Women’s Gardening Gloves; Kew Gardens Collection Leather Palm gloves; Kew Gardens Collection Lined Leather gloves; Felco 705 Rose gloves.

Garden Gloves

Garden Gloves. Feverfew Original Women’s Gardening Gloves; Kew Gardens Collection Leather Palm gloves; Kew Gardens Collection Lined Leather gloves; Felco 705 Rose gloves.

Spear and Jackson Razorsharp PRO Short Blade Bypass Secateurs

Spear and Jackson Razorsharp PRO Short Blade By...

Razorsharp PRO Short Blade Bypass Secateurs. We found these to be good quality secateurs... The materials feel of a good strong quality...

Spear and Jackson Razorsharp PRO Short Blade By...

Razorsharp PRO Short Blade Bypass Secateurs. We found these to be good quality secateurs... The materials feel of a good strong quality...

Elements Trowel and Weed Fork from Spear & Jackson

Elements Trowel and Weed Fork from Spear & Jackson

Elements Trowel & Elements weed fork from Spear & Jackson. Very good strong construction with a lacquered ash handle and a rounded end which is very comfortable to use.

Elements Trowel and Weed Fork from Spear & Jackson

Elements Trowel & Elements weed fork from Spear & Jackson. Very good strong construction with a lacquered ash handle and a rounded end which is very comfortable to use.